Turn-offs: Routine is a nightmare for an Aries. They are competitive in nature and therefore love to turn sex into a game or competition. They do not appreciate subtlety and instead get excited by the directness and being surprised. Turn-ons: Passionate aggression is the ultimate move to pull on an Aries. This directly correlates to their bedroom persona, as they often have a very direct and shameless approach, are less focused on romantic gestures, and more about gettin’ physical.

Style: As a prominent fire sign, Aries are very charged individuals with strong personalities. Jess and more to help get you started: Aries – March 21-April 19 Below we’ve outlined each sign’s sexual style, turn-ons, preferences, and tips from our resident sexologist Dr. Whether you’re a believer or just in it for entertainment, zodiac sex compatibility can provide insight into another person’s character as well as their sexual personality and tendencies. Although it is not an exact science, zodiac sex compatibility can help point you in the right direction (or at the very least be highly entertaining).

At ASTROGLIDE, we want to help you have more connected sexual experiences, and that starts with understanding your sexual compatibility with others. With the start of a new year, between making new goals and setting new standards, sexual resolutions are just as important as any others.

By ASTROGLIDE Team Sex Tips Zodiac Sign Compatibility in Love and Sex