However there is a rub ) Since I can't be bothered to beat the Challenges, I've decided to leave them incompleted so you gamers out there can enjoy my savefile better. Well, of those who don't know what unlockers do, this file simply "unlocks" the whole game so you can get all the possible upgrades, cars, etc. Welcome and thank you for choosing and downloading my unlocker for NEED FOR SPEED MOST WANTED (TM). NEED FOR SPEED MOST WANTED/BLACK EDITION UNLOCKER README By DaRkStReEtRaCeR =

Which is in the Black Edition ( 10 Bonus Cars, 1 Circuit Track and some extras ) Habt ihr alles was auch in der Black Edition drin ist ( 10 Bonus Wagen, 1 Rundkursstrecke und noch ein paar Extras )Ĭopy the file INGAMEC.BUN in your Most Wanted directory unter GLOBAL and you get everything Ihr mst die Datei INGAMEC.BUN in euren Most Wanted Ordner unter GLOBAL kopieren und schon